Monday, July 30, 2007

Barkus and Nana

Barkus and Nana
Originally uploaded by enetheru_2006.

Footsteps in the Sand

Footsteps in the Sand
Originally uploaded by enetheru_2006.

Youth Parliament Run-Down

I have received a comment asking me to write a run-down on the Youth Parliament Experience. It was an amazing experience, and I can admit that I have been bitten by the Politics bug. It gave me a very real insight into the workings of Parliament and also a chance to meet real politicians and “pick their brains”. I met Phil Goff, Helen Clark and Michael Cullen and Harry Duynhoven. I was also surprised to see so many youth with very strong political affiliations, this coming from a very staunch Labour family member.

Every youth MP had a seat on one of the major Select Committes, I had a seat on the Maori Affairs Select Committee where we debated ways to retain students in Upper Secondary School, after hearing submissions from the Ministry of Education, The New Zealand Treasury, Te Puni Kokiri (TPK) and YouthLAW we presented a report to the House.

A few members took part in Question Time where we were able to ask questions of Ministers, a few, myself included, took part in the General Debate where we were allowed the opportunity to talk or rant about a topic of our choice. NCEA was my choice. Finally the remainder of the students took part in the Legislative Debate where they debated a bill on climate change which in essence stated that “All house-holds should open a carbon account to record their carbon emissions and receive tax credits. I abstained my vote because I heard very convincing arguments from both sides and decided to stay with my gut.

If I ever had the opportunity to do it all over again, I would drop everything and do it.

Check out the Youth Parliament Page in my Links sidebar

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Nuclear Not The Answer

Recently I attended the 2007 Youth Parliament and one of the topics we debated was how to reduce our carbon and ecological footprint.

A fellow MP bought up the subject of Nuclear Power and its pros compared to Sustainable Energy. At his insistence that Nuclear was a viable option for New Zealand to pursue, I was struck by a sudden thought: Nuclear Power may be efficient and slightly cleaner than the Sustainable Energy New Zealand craves, however, the construction of one of these ticking time bombs would consume and utilise vast amounts of fossil fuels, which in turn would release a huge amount of Carbon and GHG’s* into our already vulnerable atmosphere.

Then of course there is the high risk of a reactor meltdown similar to Chernobyl. I realise Chernobyl was 20 years ago but all it takes is a minor “cock-up” or human error for the whole thing to blow up (quite literally) in our faces.

How about transporting and dumping the toxic byproduct? As I write this there are ships forever sailing loaded with Nuclear Waste because no country will allow this waste into their ports. Of course all this waste will most likely be dumped into the waters of the pacific: the popular choice for Nuclear Testing – particularly Mururoa, the location of the controversial French Tests.

New Zealand is still obligated to ratify the Kyoto Protocol in order to cut down on our Carbon and GHG* emissions. This is an admirable goal and we as a nation have the potential to achieve this goal and be a world leader in the attempt to reduce our ecological impact. However I do not believe Nuclear Power is the remedy.

Are we not Aotearoa: Land of the Long White Cloud? Perhaps Aotearoa: Land of the Long Toxic Black Cloud is more befitting.

Is that really the image we want for New Zealand? Is that the image we want for our children? We should be preserving our Clean, Green image for the next generation of New Zealanders.
It’s not yet too late to save our planet from choking in our pollution. So why do we keep delaying? Why do we keep shifting the blame onto others? If everyone did their part – no matter how small – we would be well on our way to becoming a world leader in reducing our Carbon Emissions and Ecological footprint. These could include investing in energy efficient bulbs and using bicycles and public transport.

As the saying goes “One step, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction!”

So let us all make that one step.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Brought the final installment of Harry Potter and loved it. I constantly read it and managed to finish it the day after I brought it. Hopefully i will be able to see Order of the Phoenix this weekend

The Ball

Opotiki College held its annual school ball. This year's theme: Olympia, City of the Gods.
It wasn't too bad, but I have had more fun at previous balls.
Photos from the ball will be uploaded in the next few days

Honda on the Beach

Honda on the Beach
Originally uploaded by enetheru_2006.


Originally uploaded by enetheru_2006.


Originally uploaded by enetheru_2006.


Originally uploaded by enetheru_2006.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

100th Post


ps. All the photos from Mum's birthday and all my youth parliament photos including the whole youth parliament experience will be posted soonly

Sunday, July 01, 2007

50'th Celebration

Last night was the celebration for mum's 50th Birthday. It was an awesome night of hanging out and listening to Pete and His band. I will post some photos when I get them uploaded to flickr.
Dad then cooked bacon for breakfast after he and I packed up the tables and chairs. I then had to go to work at 3 - so overall it was a good night. Met "Barkus" Tracey's new dog and also Eryn and his family along with Pete, Lea, Kurt, Hine and the usual crowd.

Photos coming soon