Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Day Off School

Today was a day off school for all those students who have met the 85% attendance rate and completed all their work in class. So I am sitting here at home writing on my blog...not the most effective use of my time because I could probably be studying right now. I also have to mow the lawns again. I wish dad would just get the round-up out and spray the whole lot into oblivion. Dreams are free. This october is National Breast Cancer Awareness Week and I am doing my part-I have purchased a wristband to help the NZ Cancer Society do their great work. I am also working on a couple of small side projects in my spare time, these include my Novel and my Short Film whose titles will remain under wraps for know, I don't want anyone swiping my brilliant ideas. I better go, those lawns aren't gonna mow themselves. Dammit blogging is as addictive as Bebo, "Don't Judge Me!!!!

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