Sunday, September 07, 2008


Sunday, Sunday, Sunday,

Today I celebrate two significant events: Fathers Day, and Mine and Brett's 6 months together. I am writing this post from the Multimedia Lab at SIT. It turns out I can multi-task because Im writing this post and also working on my script. Well I was the good son this afternoon cos I rang home and wished dad a happy fathers day. This is going to be a real short post today. My mind appears to be having a seizure right now and I can't think of anything intellectual to write without resorting to ranting - which i wont do.


Ariadne aka Marilyn said...

Congrats on your Half Anniversary Sam & Brett. Good son ringing Dad yesterday! Don't forget to leave a comment on my blog now & then.

Unknown said...

How did Forbidden Broadway go? Thanks for the call yesterday.